Currently Developing
2D Horror Framework
Welcome to my page! (Draft)
Here you can find my portfolio and info about me.

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Hey there! My name is Gökçe and I am a 28-year-old multidisciplinary artist residing in Turkey. I have a lifelong passion for learning and creation and over the decades, I’ve explored and self-taught myself in various forms of art; digital painting, 3D modeling, programming, music composition, game development to name a few.Guided by a can-do spirit, I like to be self-reliant and embrace a hands-on, do-it-yourself approach. To me, nothing is truly impossible for those willing to put in the effort; the only real impossibility lies in not trying.When it comes to game creation, in my eyes, it is the pinnacle of artistic expression, one way to connect many forms of art into a harmonious masterpiece, hence the reason I have taken up this branch. It is the most complex and the most delicate, and it is godly as it is like creating a new universe. Firstly laying out the foundation, the rules and the boundaries as the pillars, then comes building up, adding in the shapes and the colors and the sounds as well as many stories to be told.For the past four years, I’ve dedicated myself entirely to game development and design as my sole professions, working as a freelance ghost developer/designer I've contributed to a variety of projects, and in those, I’ve undertaken many roles, handling nearly every aspect there is to game development and design.

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Frequently Asked Questions
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Which games have you worked on? |
Since I’ve worked as a ghost developer/designer, there isn’t a title I can give that would have my name on it. Over the past few years, I’ve mostly worked on online social games as a developer and designer. My responsibilities mostly included character customization, 2D/3D design (textures, overlays, hairstyles, wearables) and integration, and programming new features to enhance customizability. While I don’t have any titles to show for it, I can always demonstrate my capabilities through the knowledge I possess and the skills I’ve cultivated throughout my life. |
What is your general approach to game design documentation? |
I believe in maintaining simplicity and flexibility when creating a Game Design Document. I embrace the agile development methodology, emphasizing adaptability and collaboration. Rather than overloading the document, I focus on documenting only what is essential and doing so iteratively in close collaboration with the team to ensure the GDD remains a living document without becoming a burden. That would be my approach unless the orthodox method is required. |
What is your academic field? |
I’ve studied English Literature as a hobby, both British and American, though I didn’t complete a degree. Poetry, has a special place for me. All the other fields I have expertise in are the result of self-teaching I've done without committing myself to any academic pursuits. |
Do you use ready frameworks and assets? |
I personally don't like the idea of using anything premade as I believe it to be better and healthier to craft everything from scratch and keep on building on it, easier to manage and more familiar. I am currently developing my own framework for 2D horror to use it for the games I plan on releasing. |
What are your expectations from your collaborators? |
Firstly, I'd expect individuals to be aware that game development is quite challenging due to its complex and multifaceted nature. Whenever someone speaks of it as if it's an easy task and seems overly enthusiastic to start a project, it's a red flag for me; people with no experience tend to do so. In reality, I’d say game development can be a nightmare to deal with. Therefore, my first expectation is the ability to properly and realistically assess the situation at hand, being down-to-earth and acknowledging the challenges ahead. |
My second expectation would be the commitment to seeing things through even under stress and distress. Pulling things together is essential for overcoming the challenges ahead. |
Thirdly, I'd expect willingness to learn and strive for improvement and perfection. I liken this field to a river: when one stays idle, the current surely and so quickly takes them backward. |
In the end, I expect these three things above all: being realistic, committed and studious, and these are what I find to be essential for seeing projects through and ensuring their success. |
Can I collaborate with you? |
Of course! Feel free to write to me on Discord and we can talk about it. |

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Frequently Asked Questions
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What is your policy when conducting business? |
My policy revolves around reliability and customer satisfaction. I am a perfectionist and I like to take pride in my works. I personally wouldn't hand over a work that I myself don't like in the first place. My aim is always creating things diligently and producing results that would make people ask for more, and I don't mind going that extra length to ensure it. |
Why should I trust you to hold your end of the bargain? |
I value about my customer portfolio, that is the only way to ensure the continuity of commissions and transactions while working as a freelancer. Doing a lousy work and leaving customers in dissatisfaction would harm my operation as it would result in losing potential regular customers. Therefore anything that would harm my customers would in the end harm me and anything that would benefit my customers would benefit me in the long term. I believe this reason alone is enough to build that trust. |
In the end: when my customer wins, I win; when my customer loses, I lose my customer. |
How much do you charge for your services? |
It depends on the context. If the project at hand is indie and small-scale, I'd name around 200€ per week. For corporate full-time work, my expectation would be at least 30€ per hour. Ultimately, it’s all situational and depends on mutual agreement. |
Anyone interested in my services may message me on Discord for more details. |
Where is your LinkedIn account? |
I don't use LinkedIn and I am not actively searching for a job in the corporate scene as I am already able to manage on my own, but I am open to considering offers by corporates. |
Do you use Fiverr? |
I don't use Fiverr as their service fee is at an unacceptable level, therefore I conduct business in person without any middleman and any needless fees imposed upon me and my customers. |
Do you use AI? |
I don't use AI unless requested. For more information: Artificial Intelligence. |
Do you issue invoice? |
As an individual freelancer, I don't typically issue invoices. However when needed, I can provide the necessary payment details and any confirmation required for accounting. |
Do you offer warranty? |
I offer warranty and free of charge debugging/fixing if a problem related to the work at hand arises. |
Do you accept refunds? |
I do refunds if I fail to deliver the result agreed upon and fail to carry out the terms of warranty. |
What are the available payment options? |
I accept credit/debit card (Western Union), Wise and TransferGo. I don't use PayPal due to limitations. |
How much is the VAT? |
I don't charge my customers VAT or any additional fee. |

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Frequently Asked Questions
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How can you claim to do all these? |
I am nearing 30, and I’ve had a long time to educate myself across all these fields. Instead of setting a goal to master a specific branch and focusing on it exclusively, I’ve explored almost everything that has come my way. It has its upsides and downsides. In the end, I’ve sacrificed total expertise in one subject for versatility. As the saying goes: "jack of all trades, master of none." |
What are your long-term aspirations? |
I aspire to author the Twilight Zone of video games and be the new Rod Serling to narrate many chilling and thought-provoking stories. Firstly I want to recruit some volunteers, kickstart the project I am working on to gain public and financial support to lay out the foundation for the studio I want to establish. If everything goes well, I want to release so many titles as I am never short of a story to tell. |
Do you have any other hobbies? |
Besides the ones mentioned, I like cooking, I am familiar with the Mediterranean and Black Sea cuisine. I like crocheting accessories, though I haven't done any for a long time now. While my specialty is hairstyles in 3D modelling, I also do hairstyling in real life, cutting bobcuts, bangs, layering as well as bleaching and dyeing. Other than that, I like dressing up and cosplaying, to name some. |
What is your sense of fashion like? |
I would say my sense of fashion and culture align with punk, sometimes I like gothic fashion as well. |
What's with the look of the website? |
I wanted to create something unique and thematic instead of a bland page with a casual and mainstream design to appeal to the corporate scene. Besides that, I am into horror and mystery when it comes to videogames and it's what I intend to focus my efforts on in the long term, so I'd say it's fitting. |
What's with the nickname? |
It's a nickname I've taken up after my medical condition. I am a trans woman, and I disclose that info openly to prevent any misunderstandings or disagreements that my identity might cause later on, for that reason anyone interested in working with me should be aware of that upfront. |
What are your favourite games? |
The first game I'd name would be the Silent Hill franchise, The Room and Homecoming specifically. I am also a big fan of Dead Space, not only the games but also the movies and the books. Besides those I'd name Deadly Premonition, The Evil Within, Amnesia. |
What do you listen to? |
My favourite genres when it comes to music are indie rock and spoken word (as I like poetry), and I'd name bands like mewithoutYou, Wolf Parade, La Dispute and Hotel Books. |

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Artificial Intelligence
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Do you use AI? |
When I am conducting business, it entirely depends on if my customers and employers want me to make use of AI as a tool to enhance productivity and efficiency. I don't take any decisions such as that independently as I believe it's unethical and it can be even labelled as fraud as it can subject the customers and employers at hand to possible legal and communal complications and liabilities. Therefore, in a business setting I'd act on the directives and deliver results in the way the requesting parties expect me to. |
In my personal projects, at times I make use of AI but I try not to heavily rely on for the sake of self-growth. When it's used responsibly, it can be a great teacher to learn from, always available, but it can also be used to cheat which would prevent one from gaining expertise in the area. |
What is your stance on AI? |
I have mixed opinions when it comes to AI. For starters, it has devalued many fields by oversupplying and oversaturating the scene with content. It is too brutally effective and time efficient, and as a result it puts too many expectations and too much pressure on real artists whom have no way of competing with that. As this trend continues, I believe it will become not much possible to make a living in these fields professionally, leaving many to lose their hard-earned jobs to machines. An AI to code, an AI to paint, an AI to animate, an AI to voiceover, an AI to translate and localize — it's all becoming automated. |
I liken this to how technological advancements, like the invention of the printing press, made the art of scribing obsolete, and how it used to matter to know HTML and CSS to create websites before website development became automated. If this trend cannot be stopped, I believe those who have put in the effort and contributed to our world through art have the right to use AI. In my view, they are the only ones who have earned that right to do so. I myself prefer working with people and their creativity over machines, and if I can ever afford to, I will personally always choose to do so. |
Ultimately, I am against AI, and if it could be removed altogether, I would fully support that course of action. However, if this is the new norm of today and the future, then I believe I have the right to make use of it as every artist does to be able to compete in this dystopian setting, as compensation for the damage it has caused me and for my lifelong efforts reduced to dust. |
What are your thoughts on AI disclosure? |
I believe that to be situational and depending on the industry at hand and its regulations. When it's about the sale of an asset and its rights, it can jeopardize the customer and lead them into legal and communal complications and therefore the use of AI must be disclosed, if not, it can be called an act of fraud. That's why when conducting business I see it as my responsibility to disclose it to practice honest business principles. For other cases, I believe it to be optional and not obligatory. |
In the end, the need to disclose depends on if the creator will retain the rights and the legal responsibility for the creation or will transfer the rights alongside the liability to other parties. |

End Game

Anyone who'd like to take part in and support may feel free to reach me out. (WIP)

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I am a jack of all trades, with a diverse range of interests and experience across various fields.
I specialize in filling whatever role is needed as well as managing and coordinating teams and multiple departments with the experience I have in each branch.
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When approaching a project, my specialty lies in stepping into any required role to fill the gaps to ensure its continuity and success. |
As a developer, I can lay out the logic and engineer custom solutions. As a 2D designer, I can bring ideas to life through drawing and painting. When it comes to structuring gameplay, I can step in as a level designer. For creating immersive worlds, I can take on the role of a 3D designer, modeling and texturing objects and environments. |
If the user interface needs work, I can deliver as a UI designer, crafting unique and cohesive designs. When a project needs music or sound effects, I can embrace the role of a composer or sound engineer, contributing to the auditory experience. On the backend, I can oversee servers, databases, and file transfers as an administrator, while also tackling security concerns like DDoS and asset theft with custom solutions as a security engineer. When custom tools are needed to better time efficiency, I can be the tool engineer. |
When the project needs a face, I can take on the role of community manager. For troubleshooting and support, I can assume the role tech support, addressing issues with clarity and in-depth understanding due to my programming experience. Finally, as a manager, I can lead and coordinate teams, ensuring stability, consistency, and alignment across all departments. |
I am familiar with many of the methods and tools of the trade from most fields, I use the same terminologies and speak the same languages, I am aware of how much effort and time it takes to carry out given tasks, to code, to design, to compose, to create. When a manager doesn't even know whom they are managing and what people do, I would only call that mismanagement. In my books, to truly manage, it takes at least some expertise and comprehension about everything everyone does in a team, and without that expertise and comprehension, one can't effectively manage and it would be only wild guesses and basing things on assumptions. In the end, a manager needs to be a server for everyone, a bridge to bring everyone and each element together into a unified whole, and needs to be an overseer to ensure that everyone does their part thoroughly in the team. |
I know what people do and how they do it; when I don't know, I learn it; when they don't know, I teach it, and when they are in need of help, I help. That approach fosters collective growth and paves the way for the future. Therefore, I believe I am suited for this role, as many individuals in this industry, regardless of their diverse professions, are my fellow professionals. |
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Areas of Interest
I have ranging experience in the fields specified in the following table:
2D Design | 2D Animation | Level Design | 3D Design |
Cryptography & Obfuscation | Software Development C#/WPF | Android App Development | Unity Game Development |
Songwriting | Storywriting | UI Design | Video Editing |
Sound FX | Administration | Translation | Debugging |
Project Management | Community Management | Discord Development | Tool Engineering |
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Tools of the Trade
Some of the tools and software I commonly use:
Visual Studio | Unity Editor | FL Studio | Mixcraft | Photoshop |
Clip Studio Paint | After Effects | Blender | AssetStudioGUI | Unity Explorer |
UABE | Melonloader | DevX | MobaXterm | NaviCat |
Filmora | Microsoft Blend | ShaderMap | Discord | Android Studio |
Blockbench | Audacity | Fiddler | Wireshark | DnSpy |
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Some of the roles and tasks I’ve undertaken include: |
Creating custom WPF applications such as updaters/launchers and administrative tools |
Managing communities, improving the tools of communication visually & structurally |
Designing and integrating 3D hairstyles and wearables for character customization |
Designing 2D assets such as static or animated icons, avatars, banners |
Developing requested features for games as mods or with full integration |
Building custom bots, handling Discord integrations and managing servers |
Rewriting and improving game systems/logic and performing optimization |
Retexturing and reworking whole games in terms of UI and game logic |
Client security and asset protection, encryption and obfuscation |
Attending to tickets and providing technical support for users |
Troubleshooting/debugging and ensuring stability for end-product |
Composing soundtracks and creating sound effects digitally |
Crafting custom Anti-DDOS solutions based on whitelisting |
Developing and designing graphical user interface (Unity) |
Modding Unity games with or without native mod support |
Project management/administration and overseeing teams |
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Game Development & Design
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Work in Progress |

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Art & Design
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Work in Progress |
Digital Artwork
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Artworks painted on Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop and no AI was used in the making.My workflow goes as, sketching on a paper, taking a photo and transferring to PC, drawing line art on Clip Studio Paint, applying colors and cel shading, and then refining and also experimenting on Photoshop, photo manipulation, texturing and overlays. My main style can be viewed in the gallery, I can only do photo-realism in traditional ways with a pen and a paper, and digitally I lean towards cartoon drawing style.I've worked in photo manipulation and digital painting as a hobby for over a decade, but recently shifted focus due to the advancements in AI image generation and redirected my efforts into other fields. I still engage in 2D design, primarily as an editor, where I handle visual assets by making adjustments as needed, fixing visual artifacts, and ensuring overall coherence.

UI Design
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Made on Unity with 2D URP. I designed, developed, animated, composed the soundtracks and created levels for the menu from scratch. Examples shown above are my first 2 attempts at creating functional and graphical user interface. Instead of the animation feature on Unity Editor, I rely mostly on coroutines to handle the visuals.

3D Texturing
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When it comes to texturing, my specialty is skin as well as all sorts of features such as eyebrows, eyelashes, eyeshadows, eyeliners, tattoos, scars, beards, skin complexities and so on. For years I've created textures and maps for character customization in several social games. I can also use real life photos, morph and rework them into textures. Besides those, I paint custom normal maps to further compliment the overall design. As for the software, I use Photoshop's 3D workspace and paint on 3D objects. If the shader at hand supports multiple maps for better customization, I create all the assets separately like the examples shown below:

3D Clothing
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While I’m not experienced in modeling wearables (except for accessories) from scratch, I can modify and prepare game-ready assets from existing meshes. The examples above aren't my work, rather some of the meshes I was tasked to integrate. My workflow is similar to how I handle hairstyles, with some differences such as painting item masks to hide painted body parts to prevent clipping, setting up UV maps for prints and complexities, setting up the elements or creating color mask for in-game customization in terms of coloring, weightpainting clothes accordingly (such as skirts and dresses requiring a more delicate approach for smooth animation without visual artifacts). In the end, I can integrate any kind of wearables as assets into games.

Logo & Banner Design
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I design logos as well as banners using Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop, animate in After Effects and make into GIFs. I also create static or animated avatars, emojis, stickers, custom GIFs, and unique designs for Discord groups, social media accounts, and profiles. I like doing things with an outside-the-box approach to deliver results that would stand out as something unique.
2D Map Design
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Map designs done with 2D Universal Renderer Pipeline on Unity Editor. Sprites taken from real life photos and then made transparent, adjusted and refined on Photoshop, placed in a 3D environment, added in 2D URP lighting and made it all seamlessly looking in parallax.I compliment my maps with my own built shaders, particle effects and coroutines for special effects (i.e. lightnings, light flickering).
My original Lit Auto-Normal Sprite Renderer Shader for 3D URP

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FL Studio has been my go-to digital audio workstation for the past 13 years. I primarily compose using a MIDI keyboard and mostly the piano roll, working with VST plugins and effects. I can compose in any needed style, including electronic, classical, rock, medieval, new age, and synth-based music.

3D Hairstyling
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Hairstyling is my main branch in 3D modelling. For several years I've created and modded game-ready and customizable hairstyles for several social games. I have mostly designed low-poly hairstyles with polygon count ranging from 5000 to 15000.My workflow for creating game-ready hairstyles involves building with my hair cards or receiving hair meshes and morphing them to fit characters, and optimizing polygons for smooth animation. I fix visual artifacts, adjust UV maps, and prepare textures, including customizable gradient colormasks for dynamic coloring. I refine weight painting to ensure seamless deformation during animations, add blendshapes for compatibility with hats and head accessories, and create LODs for performance. I handle scalp meshes to prevent bald spots if needed, set up and bundle in Unity, and test thoroughly to address any visual issues. Finally, I prepare icons, finalize the asset bundle, and handle integration through coding and encrypt the asset if required and release the update if authorized, ensuring a polished and functional in-game asset.Ultimately, I am able to take care of each stage autonomously, from asset creation to integration and taking administrative action to release prepared updates using file-to-peer and updated UnityScript Assembly to make it accessible for players in servers.

3D Prop Design
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Besides hairstyles, I can also design 3D props. I can use reference images to replicate them in 3D environment. While organic modeling isn’t my forte, I can model hard-surface objects. My workflow prioritizes speed, ensuring artifact-free results with proper maps and normals without unnecessary time spent on complex topology for static objects.

2D Animation
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I'm a beginner when it comes to animation. I can design characters into several parts and animate them with puppet animation on After Effects. While I can't do any complex animations, I can do basic move sets, create sprite sheets and use them on Unity Editor. I can also improvise basic animations with layering and visual effects using the available tools and keyframes.

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Software Development & Design
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I have experience in developing WPF applications, and also utilizing Blend for storyboard visuals. I am able to create custom tools to aid developers and administrative tasks. I also have experience in integrating diverse applications, databases, and web services, ensuring functionality across systems. This includes the development of external console applications to support the core application. |
I have experience only in C#, however I can also code in languages similar to C# to a degree. (I.E. JS) |
When it comes to making use of APIs, I have experience in several but I don't find it worth mentioning as I believe it's possible to make use of every API there is with proper documentation through reading. |
Integrity Verifier
Extracts file records from a root directory and through using those records it detects any missing, excess and mismatched files in another root directory to help with file synchronization.
Backup Automator
Takes backup of specified files or folders at set time intervals and compressed if set. Useful for gaming as well, through backing up save files when games don't natively support multiple saving.
(I.E. 7 Days To Die, Minecraft)
File Shredder
My attempt at creating a file shredder that wouldn't make file recovery possible. While it's not guaranteed to work for all file systems, it's useful for bulk deletion after tagging files with keycodes in their naming or content. Tag every important file and delete them all instantly whenever needed.
Cryptic Transmitter
An open source chatting software for the paranoid. It opens the ports automatically and sets up communication, sends and receives messages encrypted with RSA-2048 keys to ensure complete privacy.
Automated Whitelister
Server-side application operating by listening on a designated port and receiving encrypted requests from clients. It verifies the authenticity of these requests and, if valid, adds the client's IP address to a firewall whitelist, all while ignoring and blacklisting invalid requests potentially made by botnets, ensuring that critical ports remain safe. It can be integrated into launchers and games, with a method call executed prior to logging into the game server. This ensures that players connect safely and smoothly to the game server.I am no cybersecurity expert, it was a makeshift solution I crafted when I was battling DDOS as an administrator and it was a success.
A software that imitates requests for Automated-Whitelister and throttles it with proxy servers by constantly sending valid requests and opens the important ports for the proxies in the server for DDOS. Depends on reverse engineering to crack the encryption method and also a list of proxy to initiate the attack.When it comes to security, I find it useful to develop both the solution and the problem, thinking about how I can bolster defenses as well as how I can break them through.

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Discord Development & Design
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When it comes to Discord, I'm used to creating and designing groups through making use of all types of markdowns, creating custom embeds and webhooks, designing animated icons and banners, using unique unicode characters. I can program third party plugins and custom bots with WPF in C#. I also have experience regarding Discord Rich Presence, I can design and integrate it into games even without any support for Discord SDK. |
Rich Presence
My works, Unity Editor - Discord integration and Advanced Rich Presence for designing custom rich presence for Discord profiles and even adding animations with prompts and timers. I can design and integrate Rich Presence with animation and dynamic changes for games, applications and even user instances in the operating system. For outdated and unsupported applications, I implement presence through creating an external console application and managing it via inter-process communication.
A BetterDiscord plugin for customizing the letters, numbers, symbols and even space width. It is basically a character converter. My first attempt at creating a functional plugin for a software and also my first time with JavaScript which to be honest I knew nothing about except for that it looks similar to C#. I can craft any kind of custom plugins through making use of BetterDiscord's API.
A Discord bot I developed using WPF and C#. It's capable of sending messages in servers, sending and receiving direct messages, joining audio channels and speaking via turning text into speech, streaming audio files, replying to users' messages with ChatGPT.
I can make use of Webhooks for transferring information from applications. An example would be an in-game security system that automatically detects and transfers info (chat messages with profanity, blacklisted processes) with username to a designated channel and alerts the staff by tagging.
Group Design & Management
Designing Discord groups with emojis and different unicode characters for a better presentation as well as making use of markdowns for better organized and visually appealing updates and changelogs.